AI Fatigue: What to Expect in 2025
Maria Malicdem
September 27, 2024

The explosion of AI has led to what some are calling “AI fatigue.” which isn’t necessarily about a loss of interest in AI but rather a more cautious and critical approach to its implementation, driven by several key factors.

Over the past year, artificial intelligence (AI) has seen an absolute gold rush of growth, permeating nearly every industry. At work, you have likely seen perfectly reliable tools receive an AI makeover. 

Expectations vs. Reality

One of the main reasons for AI fatigue is the disparity between expectations and actual results. AI vendors have set incredibly lofty expectations, promoting their systems as transformative solutions that would revolutionise business processes. 

But are they really? Let’s look closer. Implementing AI effectively demands substantial data infrastructure, continuous system training, and ongoing maintenance. 

Many organisations have found that the integration process is more time-consuming and expensive than anticipated. I mean, it’s really only transformative if the people in your workplace understand and care to use it. No easy feats.

The initial excitement surrounding AI has been tempered by the realisation that these systems often under-deliver on the promised outcomes, leading to disillusionment and fatigue.

The Organisational Strain of it All

Integrating AI into a company’s workflow asks for a significant shift in culture and operations. Some of the required investments are upgrading their data infrastructure, training staff to work alongside AI tools, and, in some cases, reshaping their processes to accommodate these technologies entirely.

These demands have caused many companies to slow down their AI adoption. Instead of diving headfirst into AI projects, organisations are becoming more selective about which AI applications they invest in. Here’s one of the AI tools that the Dev Team found to be very useful.

ROI who?

Another key contributor to AI fatigue is the challenge of actually quantifying ROI. While AI can drive efficiency and productivity improvements, directly linking these gains to AI systems can be tricky. 

First, you would need to give due credit to the level of implementation that wildly varies per team member.

Next, companies often experience incremental rather than transformational benefits from AI, making it difficult to measure its exact impact. This further blurs the lines between effectiveness of the AI system vs. other strategic business moves.

Support Instead of Disrupt

That initial wave of enthusiasm has given way to a more measured and cautious approach. In the past few months, we’re seeing a move toward practical, reliable use cases, with AI becoming a tool that supports rather than disrupts. 

The reference to AI as magical and mysterious has cooled down into more sober messaging focused on helping out existing workflows and employees (rather than replacing them). 

And Yet, More Powerful 

This, perhaps temporary, cooldown is such an interesting development because it coincides with increased intelligence of AI models even compared to 2023, and increased public understanding of what AI can do for them.

If anything, we should’ve been reacting to AI now with bigger superlatives. So why aren’t we? One reason can be that the understanding of what AI can do has bled out to people outside the tech sphere, demystifying it. 

Now, what used to be quiet disclaimers of bold claims have become generally visible to the public. This affects both how we interact with AI solutions and how AI solutions will be presented moving forward by vendors, less magic and razzle-dazzle lest they attract valid criticism.

Humans in the Driver Seat 

As an example of assistive AI, recently Dev Team did translations for a Leading European Football Club’s ecommerce site. Now, manual translations would have been tedious and expensive for the client, but since we helped them automate it through AI, the whole process became very straightforward.

We saved our client from having to worry about any translation inconsistency, they just needed to add an English text on the main store and with either a click of a button it would translate all across their multiple stores in different languages.

Our developers still had to set it up and use their expertise to know where to implement this, but there’s no denying that AI made the process considerably easier. Think of it as an assistant that frees you from repetitive tasks.

Predictions for the Next Six Months

The next six months will likely see a period of consolidation and refinement in the AI landscape. Here are a few key trends to watch:

  1. Strategic Integration: Companies will focus on integrating AI into areas where it can deliver the most impact. The shotgun approach of applying AI everywhere is being replaced by a more targeted strategy, concentrating on applications that offer clear and measurable benefits.
  2. Ethical AI and Regulation: Expect a stronger emphasis on responsible AI development, with organisations prioritising transparency, fairness, and accountability. Governments are starting to scrutinise AI more closely, and companies will need to comply with emerging regulations concerning data privacy, bias, and transparency.
  3. Market Differentiation: With AI fatigue, those launching new AI services will need to differentiate their offerings by showing how their solutions provide unique value. Rather than jumping on the AI bandwagon, successful companies will focus on solving specific problems with tailored AI applications.
  4. Rebuilding Trust in AI: Companies will work to rebuild trust in AI, both internally and externally. This includes educating employees and customers about what AI can realistically achieve and being transparent about how AI is being used in products and services.

So, is AI in the decline? 

Not at all. AI is not losing its momentum. Instead, it’s evolving into a more sophisticated, grounded technology. 

The challenge for companies in the near future will be to balance innovation with caution, ensuring that AI continues to develop in a way that is both beneficial and responsible. 

Navigating technology can be complex. If you need support in integrating emerging technologies with your e-commerce strategy, we’re here to help. Connect with us at Dev Team to explore how we can assist with your next steps.